Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Weekend

So far the weekend has been great, as finally the weather is Calgary is resembling summer. Yesterday we biked around downtown in the morning and ended up a the Caribbean Festival lying in the grass listening to music and soaking up the sun. After a while we headed home, read in the backyard for a bit and then met up with my brother to play some tennis. Last night was my second cancer Club meeting. There were about 10 of us there this time and we sat out on the patio or Karma was a perfect evening. I think of all the people there I was the only one still undergoing treatment, so there were lots of people to give me advice. One of the chemo nurses from the Tom Baker cancer Center was also there and I was able to ask her some questions I have been worrying about, which settled my nerves a little bit and made me feel much better. One conversation the group had did worry me a bit though. When we were talking about the side effects of chemo the nurse said that it is good to be having side effects because this means that the chemo is working. This concerned me because I really haven't had all that many side effects, especially after treatments two and three. There have been some things like losing my hair, heart burn, churning stomach, dry mouth, but nothing like some people experience. Here I was thinking I was doing so well not having many side effects and I left the meeting almost wishing I was in rougher shape. As many people have told me, I am probably just looking for new things to worry about. Constant worrying is one of the side effects they don't tell you about in the little pamphlets, but I am definitely suffering from that! Anyways the meeting was really good. I ended up chatting with one couple about non-cancer things, like hiking, climbing and travels which was really nice. This afternoon there is a BBQ with the same group that I will be going to, should be lots of fun and more new people to meet.

NOTE - I have decided to stop capitalizing the word cancer. Right now my life is pretty much revolving around it, so in my mind not capitalizing takes some importance away from it.

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